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Massage research around the world

If you would like to book a massage treatment for any of the conditions listed below, please give me a call at 082 812 9721.

What I hope to list here is research undertaken by leaders in the field of therapeutic massage. There are many published research papers that have been published, with many interesting results. Of course it costs money to get copies of these papers, so this page ma take some time to compile, and I'm sure will never really be finished.

How ever the Massage Therapy Association has a page full of research articles at Research on Massage therapy

List of massage research articles:

You can fine published research journal articles at Pubmed. Just type in the search bar "massage treatment of..." (whichever condition you want to see the research on). Conditions that have been research include:

Post Abortion treatment with massage therapy
Abuse treatment with massage therapy
Amytropic Lateral Sclerosis treatment with massage therapy

Anarexia nervosa treatment with massage therapy
Anemia treatment with massage therapy
Anxiety treatment with massage therapy
Asthma treatment with massage therapy
ADHD treatment with massage therapy
Autistism treatment with massage therapy
Back pain treatment with massage therapy
Body Chemistry treatment with massage therapy

Body Image treatment with massage therapy:

There has been very little study don into the effects of massage on body image. But there is quite a lot of anecdotal evidence. I have done a large study on volunteers (about 30 women, 5 massages each). So for it is proving very effective. I have written up the research and results, which are available at this link.
Body Image and Massage, by Craig Botha

Breast Cancer treatment with massage therapy
Bulimia treatment with massage therapy
Burn Victims treatment with massage therapy
Cancer treatment with massage therapy
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) treatment with massage therapy
Cellulite treatment with massage therapy
Cerebral Palsy (CP) treatment with massage therapy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) treatment with massage therapy
Depression treatment with massage therapy
Diabetes treatment with massage therapy
Dysmenorrhea treatment with massage therapy
Eating disorders treatment with massage therapy
Fibromyalgia treatment with massage therapy
Hormone Levels treatment with massage therapy
Infant Massage
Interstitial-cystitis treatment with massage therapy
Insomnia treatment with massage therapy
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treatment with massage therapy
Headaches/Tesion Headaches treatment with massage therapy
Lymph Drainage treatment with massage therapy
Migraine treatment with massage therapy

Mesothelioma (cancer) treatment with massage therapy:

Muscular Dystrophy treatment with massage therapy
Pain (as in Chronic pain) treatment with massage therapy
Parkinson's Disease treatment with massage therapy

Pelvic floor pain treatment with massage therapy

Thiele Massage research paper by:
University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, Cooper Hospital, Camden, New Jersey 08043, USA.
The Pelvic Floor Paradox By Leon Chaitow, ND, DO (article)
This article quotes many research articles published in medical journals, research papers and presentations.

Pregnancy massage or prenatal massage therapy

Sexual abuse treatment with massage therapy:
Body Image and Massage, by Craig Botha
Sickle Cell Disease treatment with massage therapy
Sciatica treatment with massage therapy

Side effects of massage:

Sleep Disorders treatment with massage therapy
Smoking (Smoking Cessation) treatment with massage therapy
Spinal cord injuries treatment with massage therapy

Sports Massage treatment with massage therapy:

Level therapist of training affects effectiveness of post race massage!
Stress treatment with massage therapy
Substance Abuse treatment with massage therapy

PubMed U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Is a vast and rich resource for research data. Simply type your search key words in the search box and hit enter e.g."Swedish massage" and you will be presented with a list of research articles on the subject.