medical massage by Craig Botha - Top Banner

Terms and Conditions

1. On booking a massage appointment, the client becomes responsible for payment. In the case of missing (no show) or cancelling at the last moment, the client is still responsible for the cost of my time. To avoid having to pay for missed appointments, please cancel at least 24 hours before the time. This is in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (Act, No 68 of 2008). The act says that no fee is payable if cancellation is due to the death or hospitalisation on the consumer, but I can be a bit more reasonable that that.

2. Clients who book appointments, but present with contra-indications for massage are still liable for payment, even though I can't massage them. These conditions include, but are not limited to: Uncontrolled high blood pressure, recent bruising (less than 48 hours), lesions, recent surgery (less than 6 weeks), lice, fever, viral or bacterial infection, skin eruptions and disease eg. bad acne,cold sores, ringworm, haemorrhages, angina (chest pain due to heart problems), thrombosis, sunburn, fracture sites, newly formed scar tissue (less than 21 days). Some doctors include cancer, though others advocate massage in the treatment of cancer. For a more comprehensive list, please look at Indications and contraindications for massage therapy

3. I can not be held responsible for complications that develop as a result of health conditions the client has not informed me of.

4. I do not offer payment terms, terms are strictly cash or credit/debit card. I don't claim directly from your medical aid, you pay me and then claim it back from your medical aid.

5. I will turn away any client who displays disregard for my own dignity, or that of any of my other clients.

6. If you start to display an unhealthy emotional attachment to me (transference) I am obliged to end the business relationship, and refer you to another massage therapist, and/or counselling.

7. I do massage minor children, but not without a parent/guardian being present. The law states that a child over the age of 14 may give consent without the aid of a parent or guardian. However, I would certainly not allow anybody under the age of 16 to come without their parent/guardian and I will not allow anybody under the age of 18 to come without the knowledge of their parents/guardian.

8. In the case of mobile massages, where I travel to the client, I don't work in homes or buildings where people smoke.