deep tissue massage, and sports massage. Craig also travels to clients in Edenvale and other nearby areas.
More information:
How to get the most out of your massage therapy treatments:
Massage therapy is a fantastic treatment modality, however, there are many things that the patient can do to increase the effectiveness of massage therapy treatments.
Read more here:
Getting the best out of massage
Standards of Practice:
As a registered therapeutic massage therapist, I hold myself, and am held to a certain level of service and standard of practice.
Read more here:
Massage Standards of Practise
There are a number of questions I get asked often, so I've compiled a list of the top questions and answered them. These questions include:
Q.1 "Do you do physiotherapy?" or " Are you a physio?"
Q.2 "Can I get a sports massage if I don't have a spots injury?"
Q.3 "Can I get a sports massage if I don't do sport?"
Q.4 "How often should I get a massage?"
Q.10 Can I claim from medical aid?
Read more, with the answers here:
FAQs about massage therapy
What to expect when you come for a massage
I work from a beautiful studio and I also travel to clients homes.
If it is your first massage with me, you will need to fill in a few forms. I will also need to know what areas of your body need to be massaged, and what you hope to achieve by coming for a massage. This will give me a better idea of how to proceed with your treatment.
Read more here:
What to Expect from a massage session
About me and my qualifications:
My name is Craig Botha (that's a male name), and I am a registered with AHPCSA as a therapeutic massage therapist, and have a practice number. I have a few massage therapy qualifications.
Read more here:
My massage qualifications
Indications for massage therapy (health conditions that benefit from massage):
The general rule of thumb for assessing if massage is safe or not is this: if it's safe and you are able to have sex, then it's safe to have a massage (not that sex is part of a massage, it's if you're healthy enough). If you have an infection, particularly if you have swollen glands (lymph node), then the answer is "no", and you should see the doctor.
Read more here:
Indications for massage
Massage therapy research:
Because there are no big corporate companies that stand to make a profit out of therapeutic massage, there have not been a large number of research articles written on different aspects of this treatment modality. However, the research is growing
Read more here:
Research into the effectiveness of massage therapy